Prayer At Cranbrook
Prayer is an important part of life at Cranbrook and we have a number of ways we get together and pray with each other."I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer." - Martin Luther
Morning Services
We have time during the services for prayer and also a time afterwards for anyone needing prayer from the prayer ministry team.
Prayer Ministry Team
The Prayer Ministry Team meets once a month to pray for the church and also prays for anyone requesting it after a service. If you are interested in joining this team, speak to one of the church leaders/deacons after a service.
Thursday Morning Prayer Group
Meeting at the church on Thursdays (except the first Thursday of every month), between 10:30am-12:30. Come if you want prayer, if you need God to do the impossible in your life.
Friday Prayer Walk
Starts at the church, every Friday at 3pm and lasts for about 1 hour. Let Rev Gilson know if you are interested in coming.
Weekly Prayer Boost
A short weekly Prayer session lead by Rev Gilson, every Monday at 7am and 12pm. Join us using Teams or via telephone using the details below:Join
using Microsoft Teams on your computer or mobile app
here to join the prayer meetingOr
call in (audio only)