Why Give?
The Lords Prayer starts with:
“‘Our Father in heaven, holy is your name, may your kingdom
come, may your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
By giving financially, we are investing into The Kingdom of
Heaven; to help improve the lives of those around us and
ultimately show them Jesus. And while we should never give
with the aim of any earthly reward, just like any good
investment, there will be a return on that investment; in this
life and the next.
Scripture has a lot to say about giving.
We give because it shows our priorities. Matthew 6:19-20
We give because it shows faith in action. Acts 4:32-35
We give because we have been given so much. 2 Corinthians 8:9
Organisations/People We Support
Below are some of the things we support financially.
Education Project
The Christian Education Project exists as a link between
Redbridge schools and the local church, conducting lessons and
assemblies that aim to support teachers in their delivery of
Christianity as part of the RE syllabus.
Mill Grove
It is still a place of love and care where children and young
people who cannot live with their own families are cared for,
and where families who need accommodation and support can stay.
and Michele Mahon
Missionaries that have spent a number of years in Peru.
Missionary that lives in India.
Led by The Salvation Army in Ilford, and supported by a
sponsoring committee of senior local faith leaders, Project
Malachi is a radical new approach to entrenched rough sleeping,
creating a new kind of homelessness hostel, with an integrated
bicycle refurbishment social enterprise. This innovative project
is the first of its kind to target rough sleepers who have No
Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) in this way.
How To Give
-You can give in the offering box on a Sunday using cash or cheque.-By bank transfer/standing order, email or speak to one of the leaders for details on how to do this.
-If you are in employment and pay TAX, we can also add you to GiftAID, Where for every £1 you give, we can claim back an extra 25p from the TAX system. So your giving goes even further. Contact us for more details.